We created this newsletter to inform you about all the functions we offer on our website.
1 - By test type
As you probably know, our main page is categorized by test types.
2 - By Standard
Here you can find all the grips categorized according to standard. By using the search function of your browser, you can directly search a particular standard to find the matching grip.
3 - By Application
This is another sub catagory where we have organized our grips according to speimen type.
We also have datasheets based on application. Some of these are in the making and will be available to you soon.
4 - Overview
This document is an overview of all of our grips.
5 - Photo catalogue
Here you can view and download our photo catalogue.
This catalogue is an artistic presentation of a selction of our grips.
Feel free to use this for your commertial purposes.
Let us know if you wish to have this with your own logo.
The customized pdf is free. But we can also
provide you with a hardcover book for the printing price.
6 - Datasheets PDF
This is were you find all our datasheets.
A small tip: If you are searching for a specific datasheet, it’s usually listed in the discription next to the grip.
7 - Datasheets Doc
Here you can find the ‘Word Doc’ versions of our datasheets. These are the same versions as the PDF’s listed in the tab before.
We have created this tab to provide you with Doc format Datasheets so you can modify and tweak these for your benifit. Please feel free to use these.
8 - Newsletter
Here you can access our newsletter database. All newsletters we have sent up to date, are listed under date and year. We send these out at the end of every month. You can subscribe on our main page.
9 - Animations
Did you know that we create animations to show how our grips function?
Sometimes we also make animated guides to show how to use the grip accurately.
Feel free to use these for your own purposes as well.
10 - Sitemap
Simple site map.
11 - Contact
Contact information page
If you wish to search for something directly in this list, we recoment using the page search option of your browser.
Did you know that we have a clickable button on every newsletter where you can download all the pictures an animations that are listed in each newsletter?
This button is always at the first page. And looks like this,
It is our intetion is to provide you with footage of our products to help you with your digital pressentations. Feel free to use these.
We also have a one drive folder with all our images
that you can download.